Monday, March 9, 2009

World Without Internet

South Park in HD- Overlogging from South Park in HD on Vimeo.

I don't know about you, but this seems like a pretty accurate representation of life without the internet (possibly a little over-the-top, but hey exageration sells). I can see how of a lot of the world would completely shut down or just give up because their easy method of doing everything disappears. It's funny that we have prepared no backup to the extinction of the Internet. We used to get along fine without it, some would argue better. This South Park clip makes me recall that ridiculous Y2K scare. The scare was legit, but nobody was trying to figure out a grand alternative... everyone just assumed that without the internet, we couldn't exist; therefore, we should start hoarding perishibles and sink into our bomb shelters... which I still don't quite get.
-Genie Luzwick

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