Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Facebook Groups.. for your FAMILY o.o

When i was on facebook earlier i got an ad on my ad bar that said something about making groups for your family, and so i clicked on it and got this:

Now, my research for the paper is on fbook groups and identity (coincidence? right?) so i found it interesting. I mean, on other social networking site we've found family groups internetting together: On YouTube people post vids of the baby's first words for grandma to see, on gaming communities families raid together, etc. But on Facebook we had yet to see this. Even if your parents or other relatives (who aren't really of your peer status) got a Facebook, the group intearction isn't really there.

What do you guys think:
Will this take off?
Will family albums become obsolete?
Will your mom have a new outlet to complain to the family about how you're not settiling down yet?

Ahh, facebook...

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