Thursday, March 12, 2009

Twitter links reality with technology

Recently I was told by a Twitter convert that I should join the club and subscribe to Twitter. Having overheard rumors of the site and never 'Twittered' myself I can’t understand all the craziness behind it, many members admit to obsessively checking it multiple times throughout the day. Turns out all it really is is the equivalent of a facebook status. One big long site of status updates and as it turns out it is highly addictive and a person can acquire many ‘followers’ as well as ‘follow’ other friends, celebrities, even Obama! As it turns out Twitter is also very useful. Not just in seeing that your latest friend has broken up with her boyfriend for the eighth time this week, but also real news sites use Twitter to enable them to cover stories and update people in real time as up to minute information is passed along. Not only is Twitter a social network but also a business and news forum too. Following this line of thought I stumbled upon an article that touched upon how others are utilizing Twitter in even better ways! Take a look at how Twitter is being incorporated into everyday life…

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