Thursday, February 5, 2009

if you can't beat em join em

I started to play world of warcraft because my boyfriend was so into the game that it used to take up most of his day. i would get frustrated and angry when i was told that i could not talk to him right now because he was doing something in the game. because we live an hour away from each other this became really difficult because i hardly got to talk to him over the week, or if we did talk he was always distracted. after years of fighting and refusing to join him i finally gave in and made a character. It was amazing how much easier our relationship became after that. It gave us something to do together even when we were not actually together and i got to interact with him more. Its been about an year since i started playing and i still only play because it gives me something to do with him. however, i have gotten to meet more of his friends (real life friends) through the game and talk to them and i feel closer to him in the process. His guild has accepted me as part of their group, always willing to help and kind to me. I sometimes feel that being a girl in the game (and the only one in our guild) is very beneficial because they do not accept the same level of gaming from me as the others. they are more willing to explain things to me and help me to understand the things i do not know. I am in no means good at the game even though i DID level myself up to 80. I think because of my reasons for playing the game i never bothered to really and truly understand it. However, unlike we talked about in class i have not encountered any hositlity about my gaming. No one has asked me if i bought my account or said anything negative toward me. i honestly think that your interaction in the game is what you make of it. if you take it too seriously then people will start to annoy you or antagonize you and you will lose site of the fun in the game. but if you play it to enjoy it and not worry so much about others i think it it makes the game more pleasurable.


1 comment:

free ciity said...

i joined for the EXACT same reason- LOL