Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Facebook and Dating

My group is focusing on facebook and relationships and the effects it can have on communication. As I was researching for it I came accross this interesting article on how facebook has become similar to dating. I found this extremely interesting because I have never considered facebook being similar to other dating sites. But its true, the author makes some really good points. For example, they explain the process of adding a friend and leaving comments as the beginning stages of dating. Another thing that I found extremely funny was the example the author gives about a couple changing their status from single to in a relationships. The guy asks the girl to go out with her by saying "I changed me status on facebook." I find this funny and sad at the same time because the internet but more specifically social networks have changed our ways of communication greatly. When the girl went to change her facebook status to in a relationship with this guy the site prompted her that a message would be sent to him asking whether or not he accepts her. This is a prime example of how much the internet has impacted our forms of communication and interaction with each other.

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