Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Virtual Prostitution in Second Life

Before this class, I had never heard of Second Life. (imagine that...) So as I was googling SL to find out more about it, I stumbled upon dozens of articles discussing one of SL's most fascinating phenomenons- escorts in Second Life. I was not going out of my way to seek out the sexual side of SL, but it is apparently such a major and controversial aspect of the virtual world that even my very shallow and brief foray into researching SL brought up a myriad of articles discussing this topic.

One of the most interesting articles I found discussed tried-and-true tactics of becoming a successful Second Life escort, here.

Having just recently discovered Second Life, it was amazing to me that there was this entire developed world I had never heard of that was so complex and had even developed a sex industry. Within this industry, thousands of people (male and female) create customized avatars within SL through which they make real-life money selling digital "sex" to men willing to pay for an interactive pornographic experience.

I researched it a little further and found a CBS news report (video) detailing the "Steamier side of Second Life." At first I found all this a little disturbing, but then I realized the genius of it all. Women (and men masquerading as women), in their spare time and in addition to a full-time job, could potentially make thousands of dollars fulfilling the sexual fantasies of anonymous men, without ever having to see or meet them, all the while maintaining complete anonymity and at little cost to themselves. I say "little cost," because in order to become a desireable and quality escort, most women invest in custom-designed boobs, butts, and genitalia that can be purchased for low prices at specialty online boutiques (Come on, I had to post an example).

When all is said and done, I can't say I'm too shocked by all of this. The internet has always had a very prominent sexual side, in addition to humans being such sex-oriented creatures. Why shouldn't a virtual online world powered by the whims of its users be host to a thriving sexual industry? Not surprising at all, actually.

-S Hu

1 comment:

free ciity said...

WOW.. These games have come a long way since the SIMS