Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Things gamers would never have believed 20 years ago

In 1989, a gamer was able to summarise the complete feature set of his chosen console pretty much like so:

Today, a gamer was able to summarise the complete feature set of his chosen console pretty much like so:

While browsing through digg.com, I found another article that discusses some of the elements in the gaming world that seemed implausible 20 years ago.
According to the article, there are 9 main key points:
1)The sheer amount of stuff consoles can do
2)The Boss would be releasing new music through videogames
3)That games got so full of blood
4)A Nintendo console would be used for playing Sega and NEC games
5)How many buttons controllers have in the 21st Century
6)That boring load times are still blighting us
7)That handheld gaming would get so futuristic
8)How the products of gaming are sold to the masses
9)So much of the 80s would make it to the 00s

Reading this article, not only was I entertained, but I was also blown away by how true this article is. Although I was born in the late 80s, I was a gamer all my life and have seen the gaming world evolve, the graphics become ever more clear and real [true to life], the way gaming has stepped outside the box and is multi-purpose used, the way gaming is universal and sold/marketed to kids now-a-days, and how the future of gaming is still open-ended. Maybe 20 years from now, someone will write an article talking about gamers in the 2000s comparing them to gamers in 2020s. It made me reflect on my childhood and how the video game consoles I've previously owned are now collecting dust in my garage [Nintendo, Sega, Nintendo 64, Playstation, Gameboy, etc]. It also made me see how much I've changed as a gamer, from being a console player to a pc-gamer. I find it interesting they didn't touch base on pc-gaming [MMORPG's, Strategy, Action, MMO's, etc]. Anyways, what do you guys think?

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